Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just like every other...

So during the holidays shepherd community center transforms into a huge Christmas store for the program kids' parents to come and Christmas shop for them. So over the past three days loads and loads of boxes filled with donated toys and games were lugged in and sorted. Rooms were filled from floor to ceiling with gift options. The rooms were divides by age and gender and volunteers came from across the city to help. Each family got a time to come in to shop. They were matched with volunteers who came in to take them around to he rooms to shop. Each child got a big gift, a big game, small game, underwear, socks, hats, gloves, two small toys, two stuffed animals, and a book, all of which they get wrapped and carries to their car. It really is an amazing thing. I helped the families shop and I was able to see the parents get excited for what they were now able to get for their kids. I'm honestly so excited for my kids to open their stuff. Before today, it kind of made me sad to think about Christmas for them. I remember how special Christmas was for me growing up and even though the season isn't about gifts, it's so special for a kid to get surprised with somehow new, and before today I wasn't sure they were going to get anything. The other day a volunteer group brought gifts for my after school kids and they absolutely flipped...they were so excited and thrilled for one little toy! It makes me so happy to think about their faces on Christmas now!

I am honestly impressed by the quality of the store shepherd has created. Thugs like iPods and other huge name brand things were brought in! One of my supervisors once told us that they had advertised for donations and mentioned things like electronics and nice things...and he said they asked why kids from poverty need thing like that. The answer? These kids are just like any other kid and they deserve fun and happiness too! Today I got to see that happen!

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